
The Cage (Telugu Original story “ Panjaram” by Dr K. Meerabai)

The Cage English Translation: Dr K. Meerabai Telugu original: “Panjaram” by Dr K. Meerabai By the time Madhavi alighted from the taxi, Mohan was locking the house.Mohan turned his head at the sound of the car coming to a stop.“ Our baby has slight fever. I asked Sarada,the baby-sitter in the crèche, to administer fever medicine to the baby. She was concerned whether the other children would be infected. If possible bring the baby home. […]

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Ladder of hopes (Telugu Original story “Aasala Metlu” by Dr K. Meerabai)

Ladder of hopes  English Translation: Dr K. Meerabai Telugu original: “Aasala Metlu” by Dr K. Meerabai Penchalamma could not wipe off the droplets of sweat streaming down her forehead because both her hands were engaged in cleaning the road.The red kumkum powder she applied in the middle of her brows spread to her nose along […]

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Karuna Teacher’s Solution (Telugu original story “Gudem cheppina kathalu-2” by Anuradha Nadella)

Karuna Teacher’s Solution English Translation: Srinivas Banda Telugu original: “Gudem cheppina kathalu-2” by Anuradha Nadella “Amma, you seem to be still annoyed with me. Once you listen to my story, you will rush to my hamlet to meet me and my children.” When I came here on transfer, I was surprised to see the children […]

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Story for Kids – CITIZENS OF TOMORROW English Translation: M.Venkateshwarlu Telugu original: “Bhavi pourulu” by P.S.M. Lakshmi Jagtap Water Falls is a popular tourist attraction in Mau near Pune, Maharashtra.  In August (normally in rainy season), a lot of tourists flock to these beautiful water falls. In 2019, on a Sunday morning at 1030hrs,  four […]

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Her Decision (Telugu Original story “NIRNAYAM” by Dr K. Meerabai)

Her Decision English Translation: Dr. K.Meera Bai Telugu original: “NIRNAYAM” by Dr K. Meerabai Ten year old Varuni saw her sister Vasavi getting down from the rickshaw and ran into the house announcing to her mother “ amma! Elder sister has come” and ran back. Krishnamma’ hands shivered as she was draining out the excess […]

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A Midst the wild crowd (Telugu original story “Gudem cheppina kathalu-1” by Anuradha Nadella)

Amidst the Violent Crowd English Translation: Srinivas Banda Telugu original: “Gudem cheppina kathalu-1” by Anuradha Nadella I was heading home after teaching the evening class in the hamlet. Streetlights were lit, making the night darker, except for the feeble light from the huts flanking the street spilt on to it. My torch was helping me […]

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Distant Hills (story)

Distant Hills  -Telugu Original &Translation by Dr. k. Meera Bai Sunanda walked into the balcony, drying her wet hand with her saree pallu and stood there looking into the street. The hullabaloo children created having subsided , the house looked peaceful.Phani, her eldest son who had overturned a glass of coffee and insisted on having […]

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