
Political Stories-12 What is to be done? – Part 4

Political Stories by Volga Political Stories-12 What is to be done? (Part – 4) After the groom’s family left, Annapoornamma scolded Soba and reproved her behavior. “They are the ones who ask questions and you are supposed to answer. That is our tradition. Why were you in such a hurry? Why do you care what that […]

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Political Stories-12 What is to be done? – Part 2

Political Stories by Volga Political Stories-12 What is to be done? (Part – 2) Santha would occasionally get anxious and unsettled that she wasn’t like Sobha. She was never content, never moder-ate; instead she was a want-it-all person. And how many problems she had to face because of that! How much tur-moil! Her folks would […]

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Political Stories-12 What is to be done? – Part 1

Political Stories by Volga Political Stories-12 What is to be done? (Part – 1) Deeply engaged in her writing, Santha was distracted by the sound of someone approaching and lifted her head. Finding that it was Mohan, a research officer she had hired to help with her work, she was annoyed. It had been about […]

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Political Stories- 11Elections – Part 1

Political Stories by Volga Political Stories-11 Elections – Part 1 The envelopes handed to the lecturers as they arrived at the college caused quite a stir. Male lecturers were asking each other about the villages they were assigned to, reminiscing about their past experiences and recalling the facilities available in those villages. The female lecturers […]

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Political Stories- 4 shut up!

Political Stories by Volga Political Stories-4 shut up!           shut up! Shut Up!As the words kept ringing in her head, Janaki covered her ears with her hands. The words weren’t new to her, she had been hearing them for years. Someone or the other had been telling her to shut up […]

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Political Stories-1 Sita’s braid

Political Stories by Volga Political Stories-1 Sita’s braid Sita collects the clumps of fallen hair and holds them securely under her big toe. Whenever she combs her hair, so much comes loose. A month ago she came down with a serious illness. Although her sixty-year-old body has since gradually regained strength, her hair continues to […]

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Political Stories (Intro)

Political Stories by Volga Translator’s Foreword In the author’s introduction Volga offers an explanation for the urgent tone of her short stories and situates her writing and its thematic concerns in relation to Telugu culture and literary tradition. It is in order to facilitate access to and appreciation of these stories for such a reader […]

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Political Stories (Intro)

Political Stories by Volga Author’s Foreword- Part-2 It is necessary for us to recognize today that the same relationship that exists between our hands and our brain in carrying out a task, exists between the body and mind. We should stress that our mind is not separate from our body. Women rarely realize that they […]

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Political Stories (Intro)

Political Stories by Volga Author’s Foreword The choice of the title for this anthology of short stories Political Stories -may surprise many. When one looks at the titles of the stories included in this collection, such as “Sita’s Braid,” “Eyes,” and “Nose-Stud,” it is only natural to ask why the anthology had to be given […]

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