
My America Tour -17

My America Tour -17 Telugu Original : Avula Gopala Krishna Murty (AGK) English Translation: Komala Venigalla Grand Canyon Grand Canyon in Arizona State is famous  for Colorado river valleys and geological pockets. Once upon a time it was the house of Red Indians who are scarcely seen  now. It is the land where we can […]

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My America Tour -16

My America Tour -16 Telugu Original : Avula Gopala Krishna Murty (AGK) English Translation: Komala Venigalla Places of Scenic beauty America is a country with many places of scenic beauty. Those beautiful places give immense pleasure to the people going on  seeing sight  then, fill the hearts and minds with the memories of the wonderful […]

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My America Tour -15

My America Tour -15 Telugu Original : Avula Gopala Krishna Murty (AGK) English Translation: Komala Venigalla Humanism in America Humanist movements are progressing internationally. Let us observe how the Humanists function in America. In India Humanist movement started in 1946.  M .N .Roy and some others felt the need of Renaissance in people`s ideas and […]

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My America Tour -14

My America Tour -14 Telugu Original : Avula Gopala Krishna Murty (AGK) English Translation: Komala Venigalla International Peasants world I visited many places and met many people in Washington DC. I went to the International Peasants office on 24  August, 1963.Their working committee meeting was going on. Former Premier of Poland Mr Slanya Lans Kolajusk […]

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My America Tour -13

My America Tour -13 Telugu Original : Avula Gopala Krishna Murty (AGK) English Translation: Komala Venigalla Agriculture in America America grows 10% of the total food produced in the world. It is possible for them to produce it because of their best seeds, good fertilizers and the use of machine tools. They follow meticulously the […]

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My America Tour -12

My America Tour -12 Telugu Original : Avula Gopala Krishna Murty (AGK) English Translation: Komala Venigalla Their claims We often hear Americans claiming that their education system , news papers, local bodies, law courts and social welfare organizations are the essential strong holds of their democracy. People have indomitable faith in them. Some even say […]

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My America Tour -11

My America Tour -11 Telugu Original : Avula Gopala Krishna Murty (AGK) English Translation: Komala Venigalla Social welfare In America people only do and achieve  many things in the private sector more than their government does. In such a set up we don`t really need to talk about their social sector. In each village, town […]

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My America Tour -10

My America Tour -10 Telugu Original : Avula Gopala Krishna Murty (AGK) English Translation: Komala Venigalla Law Courts Education, local bodies, Newspapers and the law courts keep democracy thriving. If any one of them faulter  it will be a blow to democracy. All these four areas are equally important and play their roles well to […]

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My America Tour -9

My America Tour -9 Telugu Original : Avula Gopala Krishna Murty (AGK) English Translation: Komala Venigalla News Papers and Journalism Democracy is promoted and protected by four pillars–education, local bodies, law courts and news papers-media. This is true not only in America but also in our country. Dictatorships function differently. We have nothing to do […]

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My America Tour -8

My America Tour -8 Telugu Original : Avula Gopala Krishna Murty (AGK) English Translation: Komala Venigalla Children are Children Anywhere While touring Ohio state we went to Jackson school at Eaton. We wanted to see the children in their classrooms, mainly up to sixth class. We went to 4th class. Here first three classes are […]

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My America Tour -7

My America Tour -7 Telugu Original : Avula Gopala Krishna Murty (AGK) English Translation: Komala Venigalla Education system We have to observe and study deeply the education system of a country to see whether it has  a better future and  can create the  opportunities to prove themselves the best citizens. Americans are of the opinion […]

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My America Tour -6

My America Tour -6 Telugu Original : Avula Gopala Krishna Murty (AGK) English Translation: Komala Venigalla WITHIN TWO MONTHS I set foot on American soil on 15th August and left it on 14th October. Exactly two months time I traveled for 10 thousand miles in New York, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, Arizona, Texas, Arkansas, […]

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My America Tour -5

My America Tour -5 Telugu Original : Avula Gopala Krishna Murty (AGK) English Translation: Komala Venigalla Government and People America has federal constitution-young in age. In 1492 Christopher Columbus, an Italian sailor was deputed by the king of Spain to  sail to India. On the way he landed in America and thought it was India. […]

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My America Tour -4

My America Tour -4 Telugu Original : Avula Gopala Krishna Murty (AGK) English Translation: Komala Venigalla America hospitality America hospitality is a special feature found everywhere.In ancient days India was well known for its hospitality.But these days that spirit is changing  in our own country. Americans  are very good hosts. I was a house-guest at […]

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My America Tour -3

My America Tour -3 Telugu Original : Avula Gopala Krishna Murty (AGK) English Translation: Komala Venigalla On the way After watching the beauties of nature while  flying high in the skies we had our first halt at Derham, an oil rich sandy city in Saudi Arabia. The airport was not specially attractive and there was […]

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My America Tour -2

My America Tour -2 Telugu Original : Avula Gopala Krishna Murty (AGK) English Translation: Komala Venigalla Journey through Nature `Take a sixty days tour in our country, observe newspapers, journalistic trends, law courts and all other things of your interest, visit places you like and meet with people you prefer to` That was the invitation […]

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