Travels and Experiences 2

-Satyavani Kakarla

The 2 week completely packed trip, 1st week of immersion in Divine darshans and settings, savoring Indian soil, mountains, Himalayas, Ganga river, forests, trees, temples, deities, pilgrims, walk on Lord Krishna’s Vraj Bhoomi soil @ Vrindavan and Mathura and then a bit of capital city Delhi tour.
The 2nd week an entirely different setting – family, shopping spree, wedding, food and beach waters in Vizag…
Now back home and finally as I am trying to sit back to fathom and catch and touch some recollections and experiences that have left me in a state of deep pondering, soul searching, browsing through  pictures captured, some moments stand out.

One such is at Banks of Ganga, Triveni Ghat, Rishikesh.

It was the last day in Rishikesh of the 3 days spent in the Holy place, and as we were close to leaving the town heading back to Dehradun airport, we had lunch prasadam at Sivananda Ashram and stopped to pay a quick visit to Sri Kamakshi Temple at Omkarananda Ashram up few steps from Sivananda.
We then decided to get another up-close final view of Ganga and chose to stop at Triveni Ghat. 

It was the afternoon hour, the sun was shining bright on the waters – interestingly it was almost still waters and was all innocent on the west side of its flow.

Ganga flows in a gush all through from the northern side of the city and curves and very interestingly slows down at Triveni Ghat. 

This is the place where pretty much Ganga starts to flow in the plains, from the foothills of the Himalayan ranges towards Haridwar down south a bit, contrast to her gushing flow just upstream to that point.

Huge wide concrete Ghats run beside the river, making room for walks and I decided to go on a short contemplating walk.

To add to the scene as I was savoring the walk, I heard a faint music of Bansuri flute playing and was wondering how it integrated so well with my gazing views of Ganga and the hill ranges. 

On my way back I saw two artists, well seated in a kacheri performance, the flutist and the mridangist, playing a north-indian Dol instrument, I think. The flute still rings in my ears… some moments stay and just stay…

Sure, you must have experienced such integrated audio-visual experiences locked and recorded down in your memory grooves… what are they?


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