
If I were asked to describe my childhood in one word, it would be change. I changed many schools and many houses. It was mostly because my mother hated stagnation. It gave me a lifetime of experiences. From being a person who was hesitant and xenophobic to an adaptable, open and easily blending-in-a-new-environment kind; the journey was not without nadirs. But the best part about hitting rock bottom is that you learn to swim back up and claim your right to a portion of the abundant oxygen in the atmosphere.

Rock bottom is not a dreamy place. It’s dark and the physical pressure of the water is exerted on you every second while your lungs expand in their search for air. It’s more than just logical to get back. It’s a strange rush where every cell of your body urges you to do something and this is the interesting part, where a million thoughts flood your brain but you have clarity and you understand yourself better as you see yourself capable of doing something that you have always considered as impossible.

I have had most of my rock bottoms when it involves people and the years 11-13 have marked an epoch in my relationships with friends. I learnt many lessons which I still apply in my daily interactions. But most prominently, it made my disposition more natural. These lessons are not universal like most of the lessons one learns. They are more subjective, which help people in their own journey, but it sure taught me one thing that rock bottoms are not so scary and you don’t have to fear it so much that you invest everything in just avoiding it. One should never throw away an opportunity of getting to know oneself better. One can only perceive others better when one has learned about one’s self.


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