
Story for Kids – Eeeja, Ooja and the Ghost (Telugu original “deyyaanni pardrolina eeja ooja ” written by P.S.M. Lakshmi)

Eeeja, Ooja and the Ghost  English Translation: Deepti Manepalli Telugu original:  “deyyaanni pardrolina eeja ooja” by P.S.M. Lakshmi I have been writing a lot of stories for little kids so far. How about telling you a ghost story now?  Don’t be afraid, I know what you are thinking! Ghosts don’t mean the scary kind you […]

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Story for Kids – The future of tomorrow (Telugu original “Repati tharam scientist ” written by P.S.M. Lakshmi)

The future of tomorrow English Translation: Deepti Manepalli Telugu original: “Repati tharam scientist” by P.S.M. Lakshmi We all know how intelligent this current generation of kids is. They have a good perspective on things and at times can match adults in thinking. I do think kids learn through every incident in life, even when they […]

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Story for Kids – Grand Mother’s Theft (Telugu original “Ammamma dongathanam” written by P.S.M. Lakshmi)

Story for Kids – Grand Mother’s Theft English Translation: Deepti Manepalli Telugu original:“Ammamma dongathanam” written by P.S.M. Lakshmi Varun ran into the living room crying,”Ammamma, amma just scolded me saying that I took chocolates without telling her.” Lakshmi took Varun into her arms and asked what happened. Varun continued saying, ” amma told me not […]

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