
Walking on the edge of a river poems-29 (Telugu original written by Dr.C.Bhavani Devi, English Translation by Swathi Sreepada)

Walking on the edge of a river-29 English Translation – Swathi Sreepada Telugu original written by – Dr.C.Bhavani Devi Niagara, a new feel Like you I am also is a part of nature Still, How come I cannot blend with it Without any concern of Any country, time and zone Without counting the sects or […]

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America Through My Eyes-WASHINGTON DC- Niagara Day-2

America Through My Eyes WASHINGTON DC- Niagara Day-2 Telugu Original : Dr K.Geeta  English Translation: V.Vijaya Kumar We reached Niagara at dinner time. Snow piled up on the side of the road outside. In the light of brightly decorated lamps, the whole town is shining beautifully as if the sky landed on the ground. During […]

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America Through My Eyes-WASHINGTON DC- Niagara Day-1

America Through My Eyes WASHINGTON DC- Niagara Day-1 Telugu Original : Dr K.Geeta  English Translation: V.Vijaya Kumar           As usual, early in the morning, we departed from DC.             We had to travel over 400 miles that day and reach Niagara by the night. The guide said […]

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