Grand Canyon

English Translation: V.Vijaya Kumar

Telugu Original : Dr K.Geeta

To fill the eyes 

The visual that makes life fulfil

Must run millions of years past


To perceive the Grand Canyon in heart

Thousands of dreams must be caught


At every turn tilted from the sky

Into the valley

Of those vanished streams of forbidden rivers 

Traces of memories in crimson streaks

Appear whenever lend an ear


Myths of thousands of years

Streaming into veins through brains-

Grand Canyon!

When Your exquisite beauty

Dashed sudden at first

Though no wings have I

Or any capable body to fly

I longed 

To plunge into Valley

In the restless rapt 

That clouds unto heart-


Many curves!

Neither one nor two!!

As many as turns in lives of earthly beings-

From Your head to feet

Embarrassing where to start 


Somewhere below in lowlands

When the Colorado River 

Anoints parani with its wavy foams

That sends goosebumps


When watching at the horizon

Standing on your high zones

The mind loses its space and time

And its sensitivity and existence

The only thing that exists in being 

At your unparalleled elegance is

An absolute surrender

Falling upon knees

The warmth of streaming flow on cheeks- 

An incense feel

Prevalent from

Heart to horizon


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