
Need of the hour -48 Back to school

Need of the hour -48 Back to school -J.P.Bharathi Young children always want to have a planned routine. Not many children would appreciate going back to school after a long summer vacation. As it is very tricky and a new routine all together many children might face starting hiccups. To ease their system and increase […]

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Need of the hour -47 Higher secondary School level preparation strategies for math’s

Need of the hour -47 Higher secondary School level preparation strategies for math’s -J.P.Bharathi Higher secondary students need to learn math’s at totally a different level. Students at this level should be able to solve, non-monotonous and open ended problems. The focus here should not be just the answer but the steps and formulas involved […]

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Need of the hour -46 Higher Secondary School level preparation strategies for- Science- 2

Need of the hour -46 Higher Secondary School level preparation strategies for- Science- 2 -J.P.Bharathi Even before you enter the science learning or opting for science stream, question yourself, if you have the aptitude for science or no. If yes, go ahead. If not do not dupe yourself and do not go to choose these […]

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Need of the hour -45 Higher Secondary School level preparation strategies for- Science-1

Need of the hour -45 Higher Secondary School level preparation strategies for- Science-1 -J.P.Bharathi At higher secondary levels, schools should focus more on specialization. At least in one area a student should be made to do a project, with hypothesis, experiments, observation, testing, suggestions and recommendations. For example, he should be asked to know what […]

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Need of the hour -44 Secondary strategies for math

Need of the hour -44 Secondary strategies for math -J.P.Bharathi Secondary level math’s has to be taken up little interestingly. All depends on how the teacher involves and tells the student what is math’s all about. Now proceeding to teach mathematical concepts, in the secondary level, Firstly, let us understand the theory of a glass […]

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Need of the hour -43 Scientific way towards science

Need of the hour -43 Scientific way towards science -J.P.Bharathi There is no option whether to take science or no at our secondary level education. So develop interest in science learning as, basic science knowledge is very essential to lead a healthy life in this world. Students! Always remember, science is not in the laboratory […]

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Need of the hour -42 Secondary level preparation strategies for Science

Need of the hour -42 Secondary level preparation strategies for Science -J.P.Bharathi Science is not in the laboratory experiments; they are in the human surroundings. If the student is passionately made aware of this, he will educate the entire family and make them more responsible. It is not necessary to initiate science only with laboratory […]

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Need of the hour -38 Science teaches sense of well being

Need of the hour -38 Science teaches sense of well being -J.P.Bharathi Science has become an integral part of everyone’s life. Science conscious citizens can help the world to avoid major upcoming problems. In the primary level science should be taught in such way to create enthusiasm. Scientific temperament should be created at a very […]

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Need of the hour -36 Retirement Therapies

Need of the hour -36 Retirement Therapies -J.P.Bharathi Counselling Strategies for Managing Pre-Retirement Anxiety: People who experience pre-retirement anxiety must be counselled and psychologists or counsellor offer many therapies to overcome stressful feelings. Rational-Emotive Behaviour Therapy (R.E.B.T): Rational Emotive Counselling is suitable counselling therapy for imparting rationality in adult employees regarding their sensitivity of retirement. […]

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Need of the hour -35 Retirement

Need of the hour -35 Retirement -J.P.Bharathi Retirement is an unavoidable movement in the life of every personnel. Retirement is major change in an individual’s life and this brings some emotional response. All employees have to retire at some time. Psychologists have stated that the retirement process is a negative experience for some employees. They […]

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Need of the hour -32 How to write a small start-up business plan

Need of the hour -32 How to write a small start-up business plan -J.P.Bharathi Smart Start-up entrepreneurs can develop start up business plan. By following this easy six-step process, you’ll soon have a clear path to start up success. 1.Clarify the start-up vision, mission, and values The first step to writing a start-up business plan […]

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Need of the hour -25 (IS LIFE A JOURNEY!!!….A conflict with oneself,, may be yes..)

Need of the hour -25 IS LIFE A JOURNEY!!!….A conflict with oneself,, may be yes.. -J.P.Bharathi Each one’s life is a journey…. we all are conditioned and influenced by circumstances. We all have certain perceptions and judgements about the experiences that condition our life. These may be right from our early childhood or even circumstances […]

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Need of the hour -24 (Tweak the news columns…)

Need of the hour -24 Tweak the news columns… -J.P.Bharathi Its time, News columns should be divided into healthy news, constructive news, encouraging news ideas on one side of the news paper and unhealthy news, discouraging facts, antisocial news on the other side. If need be, they should be even differentiated with positive and negative […]

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Need of the hour -23 (Graffiti, A silent menace in schools)

Need of the hour -23 Graffiti, A silent menace in schools -J.P.Bharathi Educational institutions have various issues which are major concerns to the Principal, Counselors, Teachers and Parents. One such issue is Graffiti. Graffiti is writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, sprayed illicitly on the walls in public places. Students indulge in graffiti which is a […]

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Need of the hour -22 (C-SEE- SEA, Yes! See the change!)

Need of the hour -22 C-SEE- SEA, Yes! See the change! -J.P.Bharathi There are many women organizations, which are tremendously contributing to the upliftment of women. The day is not very far when Women will be considered and recognized for their commitment and virtues. For all the humiliation suffered by women, no doubt MEN can […]

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Need of the hour -21 (Pandemic, It’s Impact… Let’s think!!!!!)

Need of the hour -21 Pandemic, It’s Impact… Let’s think!!!!! -J.P.Bharathi Let us browse through our Life styles, small gestures, etiquette, living habits, planning, time table, hobbies, education, values, relationships, work life balance, dress style, rhythm in life, food habits, partying, outing, fitness and in many more areas. There are so many expectations, give and […]

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Need of the hour -20

Need of the hour -20 Best way towards HEALTHY LIVING… -J.P.Bharathi Revathi’s three-year-old Rohan is longing to have a coke every time he is thirsty. In the beginning Revathi was very glad that her little one has a liking for a particular taste. Slowly when she realized that in place of plain water, Rohan preferred […]

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Need of the hour -19

Need of the hour -19 Covid time convert into-  Conquering time -J.P.Bharathi Covid-19 or corona has literally caged each one of us in our caves / homes. Someone rightly stated that 2020 is proved to be a rat year. We are venturing out only to fetch our groceries, and other basic necessities. We are running […]

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